Sunday, May 8, 2022


Yesterday, I made a solo climb to the ridge above Benson Creek (in 40 MPH winds).  I kicked eight elk out of a patch of burned aspen, where they were browsing the regeneration, and found my way back to the Chev by walking straight down the ridge above the highway.  At some point, I was thinking about how much of my climbing would now be solo because EDO will be graduating from high school and moving on to university.  But, when I looked back through my last couple dozen posts, I found only a few of them featuring EDO scrambling with me in the back country:  I guess I am already doing a lot of solo hiking.  On the other hand, sometimes we go out together and I don't post about it.  Like last Saturday, when we climbed to the wallow (five elk) above Center Creek.


  1. Time to be an empty nester, eh? Is she staying in state?

  2. Yeah, it won't let me log in and identify myself any more. This is Jess

    1. Hey Jess, sorry for the glitch. Ellen is planning to attend the College of Natural Resources at Utah State. That will empty the nest! Maw and Paw can remove the dentures and let the drooling resume.

  3. Totally awesome! Far enough to let her become her own person, yet close enough (and cheap enough via in-state tuition) to see her more than once a year.
