Sunday, March 19, 2023

Speed Skiing

I apologize to my reader.  I know this is becoming boring (even for me).  But, with the endless winter, I've had the opportunity to go, every weekend, to my favorite ridge at the top of Indian Canyon with the Karhus in the truck.  Today, I found the snow so supportable that I didn't have to worry about the tips diving, throwing me over the handle-bars.  So, I built a speed track on a little hill and made speed laps.  With every lap, my momentum carried me a little farther down the ridge.  I found this inexplicably enjoyable.  Reconnecting with my 12-year-old self?

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Snow and Snakes

Yesterday, I went to the Moore Cut-off Road with EDO.  It started out rainy, muddy, snowy, and murky.  But, by the time we finished wandering the canyon rim the storm was breaking up and the sun was peeking through.

When we stopped at the roadside petroglyph panel, the sun was strong enough to make the rock art difficult to see.  Fortunately, we didn't miss this beautiful snake form.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Same, Same

There is no new story.  Every week it snows.  Every week I go out to my favorite ski bowl.  Every week I break a new track.  Every week it snows.  Yesterday, it was mid-teens, windy, and snowing.  Fingers crossed that this keeps up for another few months.  Then we can move directly into the winter of 23/24 without a break.