Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blue Ribbon

VSO was a competitor at last week's plein air paint-out in Escalante.  This year, the organizers hosted three separate contests:  the main plein air, a nocturne, and a one-day "Public Lands" competition.  VSO's main submission was one of the best I've ever seen, but it was inexplicably passed over.  On the other hand, the judges avoided having me look into their affairs by awarding her a blue ribbon for the Public Lands contest.  First place for this one, painted in the rain.

The Car Turns Two Hundred Thousand

Miles, that is.  When the legendary Sable died, we replaced it with a Saturn Vue.  Though made by a subsidiary of General Motors, our mechanic says the Vue was built with a Honda motor and drive-train.  Whatever its provenance, the car has been reliable.  Today it began counting towards three hundred thousand miles.  I was at mile marker 59 on the freeway when it turned.  Along with the Chev, which just returned from 10 days in Escalante, we're a 420,600 family.

Saturday, September 24, 2016


I generally hate helicopters.  Has anyone noticed how loud they are?  But.  I guess, like any hypocrite, I don't mind so much when they benefit me.  In August, I walked out to the southwest summit of Shelley Baldy.  It took at least half a day and hammered my knees for eight miles.  This week, when Seven Bravo Sierra was going that way, I wasn't above catching a ride.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tree Pictures

Yesterday it was aspen; today it is fir.  Dead fir.  They make the most interesting pictures.

Smoke Fatigue

For 30 years we've been telling the American public that fire in the woods is normal, fire in the woods is good, fire in the woods is natural.  And it is.  And no one disagrees.  Until the fire starts.  Even then, it is OK for a while.  But, eventually, smoke fatigue sets in.  Everybody is tired of the smoke.  And I don't blame them.  Though I've been a Briggsan from day one, I can see that, after five weeks of steady smoking, public patience is thin.  Fingers crossed for Tuesday through Thursday then:  Snow in the forecast.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


This is Roctoberfest weekend at Brian Head.  Which is fine.  But, along with EDO, I was able to tear myself away from the beer trailer for a few minutes in the woods.  Aspenfest.  To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy:  That is beautiful right there, I don't care who you are.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


EDO has a place she likes to go.  She calls it "paradise."  We went over there yesterday afternoon.  See what she means?

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mostly Over

The girls suggested a trip to The Gap after dinner.  I made us late, so the light was going by the time we parked in a little saddle along the ridge.  VSO set up to paint while EDO scrambled to the top of the next hill.  I wandered around with the camera.

It has been a hot summer.  On top of that, the Iron County Fair is in town.  As a result, I've been waiting in my office beside the AC for September 6th to arrive.  The beginning of the new year:  The summer motor-head traffic gone from the streets and the sun in the sky for just 12 hours instead of 16.

What our post-dinner trip proved is that the wait is mostly over.  At around sunset, and with a few minutes effort, you can be out in the hills again, hearing nothing but the wind.