Saturday, January 30, 2021


We went out skiing again today.  And this is what we found (above).  I was very irritated.  We broke this trail just a few days ago.  And look at it now?  We had to break it again!  Are you kidding me?  EDO was busy with a friend, so I had to do it by myself.  Well, OK, I wasn't by myself.  I was with VSO.  She is a good skier and she enjoys my trail breaking (below).  So, I guess I've had my reward.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


I guess we've been out a lot this weekend!  Today, we drove to Boulder, Utah (above), where VSO was scheduled to begin an art exhibition at the state museum (below).  Fortunately, while she worked to pay our bills, the rest of us had time to do some scrambling.

With EDO, I drove the Burr Trail down to the first turn-off.  We worked our way up a small canyon to a ridge above the road and then took a risk on a slippery slither down the far side.  The picture (below) features EDO on the last few moves of the down-climb.  After that, we quickly returned to the museum to meet VSO for the drive back to the west side.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Conditions

We got a little snow overnight and EDO suggested we try the skis.  I was a bit dubious; it just didn't seem like we had the conditions.  In the event, EDO was correct and the conditions were had.  She broke a lot of trail on the way up (though I took a couple of pulls), and then we all enjoyedto appropriate Hemingwaythe run home together.

Friday, January 22, 2021


With EDO, I went out scrambling in Center Creek at dusk.  A snow storm was moving in.  We worked our way around a couple of rock faces and up a scree slope into a notch.  After climbing through a snow filled basin we reached a sub-ridge overlooking the canyon.  I was completely surprised.  I told Ellen, "I've climbed every wash and ridge in this canyon at least twice, but I don't think I've ever been here."

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Hidden Flaws

I've become pretty good at hiding my flaws.  After all, isn't that the point of blogging?  Tell only stories that make one look good?  Nowhere is my skill more obvious than in the business of house repair and maintenance.  In fact, most of my house repair is what I call "carpentry by caulk:"  Goop it back together and paint it.  At 420 Grand most of the facia is rotted and should probably be replaced (above).  How does it look now (below)?

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Advice for Wild Burros

Burros are not native to North America, they were introduced to the continent a couple of hundred years ago and were historically welcomed as working animals that carried loads for miners.  Eventually, as they were released, or escaped captivity, they developed into large wild herds that adapted well to many of the dry rangelands of Nevada and other western states.  Today, their presence is somewhat controversial:  On the one hand, they are "invaders," but, on the other, no one likes the idea of harming them.  I don't really have an opinion on the controversy, but I do have some advice for the wild burros:  Y'all could go a long way towards improving your image by removing the sinister masks.  I mean, the optics are not good:  Standing around in tough-looking groups, staring threateningly at passers-by, and wearing the bandit-faces is not helping your brand.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Smoke Creek Nevada

I got as far as Smoke Creek before I turned around.  (I was 25 miles from the oil and the days are short.)  I was surprised by how much water was flowing.  In this part of the Great Basin, the word "creek" often means "dry wash."  Above the confluence, Rush Creek had water in it, too.  But, more impressive than the trickle, was the cottonwood gallery:  A dozen ancient trees superimposed on a landscape of basalt, sagebrush, and desiccating wind.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Tour de McCoy

I've been on the skis just twice this winter.  We are closing in on the middle of January, if something doesn't change, it will be (almost) a ski-free season.  Today, I decided to get up on the plateau to see if there was enough snow for a tour.  Barely.  Two feet at the most, but probably around 18 inches on average.  Still, it would have been arduous to walk:  I'd have been post-holing.  On the skis, I can glide.  I did a few miles of gliding along the shore of the (dry) McCoy Reservoir.  It was (are you surprised?) beautiful.