Sunday, December 19, 2021

Scramble with Glen

Glen said that he had never been further west than Dallas.  Until this week.  His company flew him to a conference in Las Vegas.  Before flying back, he rented a car and drove to Utah.  We had him for just one day and we didn't want to waste a minute of it, so it was action packed.  We called it the quattrothon.  First, EDO took her favorite uncle for a five mile run.  Second, I took him for a scramble to the natural bridge in Center Creek.  Third, VSO took him skiing at Cedar Breaks.  Fourth, we had him split five loads of firewood at The Homestead.  As Glen rightly pointed out, it wasn't really fair.  We took turns running him ragged.

I'll make a second post about the skiing, but this one is about the scrambling.  We parked in fairly deep snow just below the natural bridge.  It was cold in the canyon and we both wore winter clothes.  Unfortunately the climbing become steep and strenuousincluding a short, but manky, fifth-class soloand the sun become warm.  By the time we returned to the Chev, we were carrying most of our gear.  One thing that is really interesting about the natural bridge is that it is actually two natural bridges, one of which you can stand in.  Pictures here.

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