Sunday, July 28, 2013

House Painting

As any good house painter should know, you always start the job at the top and work your way down.  That is, the first thing to paint is the highest peak, and the last thing is the ground floor.  So, what is wrong with this picture?  Well, we are converting the trim at The Homestead from green to white, not the other way around.  It looks like our job is progressing backwards.

Part of the problem is that we can't reach the peak.  We have a pretty good aluminum ladder, but it only reaches to about the top of the second floor window.  We will certainly need to rent, borrow, or buy a longer ladder to finish (start?) the project.  But, the bigger problem is that we don't like working from the ladderfrom any ladder.  There are some who don't mind it, but they don't live here.  For us, the progress is so slow on the ladder, that we prefer to get something done on the ground.  Unfortunately, it looks like we are running out of ground work.

Ironically, after both Tiger and Preston commented on the paint job, I got up there yesterday to make a big push.  By the time I had about 72 square inches primed, a big thunderstorm settled in.  I couldn't believe it.  My patch of wet paint (water based) got sluiced by two-hours of rain.  I guess I learned my lesson:  When the job is difficult, it is best to procrastinate.  Why do something today, that you could just as well put off until tomorrow?

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