Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Ultimate Narcissist

We don't do much resort skiing at Rural Ways anymore, but one of the trends I have noticed the past couple of times I've been out is the growing use of the helmet cam.  Today, Benson and I were at Breckenridge and we noticed a bunch of punks collecting footage of their exploits on some "blue square" and "black diamond" runs at the resort.  Um.  Is that fun to watch later?  It isn't really that much fun to watch right now.  Are you really going to upload it to U-tub, or whatever, simply to bore the world?  When I mentioned this to Benson, he explained (pictured above) that it might be OK if they were hucking 60 feet of air, but even that is only interesting one time.

Shortly after this discussion, I was skiing alone (while Benson explored the trees) when I noticed the world's ultimate narcissist.  This guy went past me on his snowboard, but instead of carrying the camera mounted to his helmet, he had it mounted on the end of a pole.  The pole was extended in front of him with the lens pointed backwards so that he could film himself face first as he poked down the run.  What are you doing?  Are you going to take that home so you can watch yourself watch yourself?  Surely not even the guy's mother will be interested in this video.  I guess the only thing that would be better is to wear the helmet cam, too.  Then you could watch yourself watch yourself watching yourself.


  1. I guess I should return the helmet cam with optional self filming stick to the Best Buy (or at least not take it out while Drew is here). And it had such a cool night vision capability...


  2. Obviously the dude with the camera on the pole was filming himself so that he could evaluate his skiing technique. I've been doing the same thing at work, I film my interaction with employees so that I can figure out later what they were really trying to tell me. The pole also serves as a poker when employees get out of line.

  3. I suppose I have misjudged the camera guy. He was only seeking self-improvement. Instead of using the video he collected as a tool of self-congratulation, he was using it as a tool of self-flagellation.
