Sunday, March 1, 2009

Money Where the Mouth Is

Knowledge of Rural Ways is about self-reliance; not self-sufficiency. We are supported by our friends and family and could not make it on our own. In our latest post, there is some evidence of scepticism regarding government help for those who struggle. Well, if not that, what? If the government doesn't help, who will? We will. To put our money where our mouth is on this issue, we are committing $200 per month to four groups who are providing food and shelter to those who are most in need of it. Links to those organizations are below. We recognize that some people are struggling through no fault of their own. We also recognize that we are no better than anyone else. Finally, we recognize that two hundred dollars is not a lot of money. We pray that it will be multiplied.


  1. p.s. hope you don't mind me ranting on your blog :)
    You started it!!

  2. hummm... guess you were saved from my rant by goodgle freaking out. I was mostly just going to say that it think its great that you see a problem and are willing to act on it rather than just whining about it.

  3. I reserve my right to whine. I've done a lot of whining in my day, and I expect to do plenty more. But, I agree that simply criticizing a certain approach without providing an alternative is weak. I may not like statism, but I know that all of us need help at one time or another, so I'd better be prepared to try a different idea.
