Saturday, December 30, 2017


We drove to the mouth of Lime Creek from the Valley of the Gods.  We hiked up canyon.  After about two or three miles, we were stopped by a dry-fall.  (It was dripping actually.)  We turned around and went back a half mile.  EDO wanted to try finding her way up the steep north-facing wall.  So, we sent VSO to the truck and started.  It was, as EDO said, "sketchy."  But we made it to the top.

Lime Creek above the water fall is beautiful:  Silent and pristine.  The access is difficult enough to keep it from being trashed.  We sat there and had a snack.  I looked at my watch.  It was 2:40p.  EDO said, "Oh, it is early."  "No," I replied, "with how far we have to go to get out of here, it is late."  I was, of course, correct.  We made it back to town by quarter to six.  Knowing when to turn around is the difference between the old man and the young hiker.

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