Friday, October 12, 2012

First Fire

It is not unusual to have had our first snow at The Homestead by now.  Last year, in fact, the first big, wet storm of the season overwhelmed Highway 14 on October 7th.  This time around, however, the autumn weather has been slow to arrive and we've had nothing but (maybe) a mild frost.  Until today.  Today, EDO went to Cedar Breaks with the third grade field trip and found, yep, lots of new snow.  Meanwhile, I started a fire in the stove at 5:30a and let it burn all day:  The first fire of winter 2012/2013.


  1. I saw the news that showed a lot of snow at Cedar Breaks. We had frost on the grass this week and then two days later a high of 80 degrees.

  2. Nothing like a sixty degree temperature swing--sometimes even in the same day. But, actually, I prefer my October weather to stay steady at about 55F.
