Saturday, October 8, 2011

Identifying the Blues

The Utah State Tree is the blue spruce (Picea pungens). As a result, you'd think that it would be common within Utah and easy to identify. Well, I'm not sure. In southern Utah, hundreds of thousands of acres are composed of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) only, not a blue spruce to be found. For that reason, whenever I see a spruce tree out of the corner of my eye, I assume that it is an Engelmann. That can, of course, lead to some acute embarrassment because sometimes I'm wrong. So, here is the question: How can you tell, with a passing glance, whether your spruces are blue or Engelmannii? If I have time to examine the cones, I think I can get it right, but how about during a drive-by? Any tips? (Hint: In this picture, the blue spruce cone is on top, the Engelmann spruce cone is on the bottom.)

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