This week we're working in eastern Tennessee. Some of the time we're in the woods—appalachian hardwoods—which is fine, but a lot of time we're in town. Town mostly means Knoxville, though I was in Chattanooga yesterday. If you love eastern Tennessee, please stop reading, because I have to say that I'm not impressed. A lot of it is crowded, dirty, noisy, and moldy. I'm also struggling with the stereotype of Tennesseeans being overweight hillbillies: Usually stereotypes are dispelled upon closer inspection, but I'm afraid this one is being strengthened. I have found one place I like, though, and I know this sounds contradictory, but my reader knows that I relish the peace that comes with abandonment. While I was walking one afternoon, I came across the old Tennessee Supreme Court building. It was probably constructed 70 to 90 years ago, shoddily upgraded a few times, and finally abandoned. It is currently derelict, with weed strewn parking lots and broken windows. This is my kind of place. I like to go over there and hang out . . . where it is quiet.
Your stereotype is correct. Too bad your classes doesn't get to spend more time in the woods. There's this little town, Tellico Plains, that would a be good place to start. Unfortunately it would only reinforce the stereotype but at least you'd be a scenic part of the Forest.