Sunday, March 16, 2014


At Rural Ways we usually prefer Alta, but there is no denying that Snowbird has a lot to offer. On this day the Bird was just about perfect. The weather was sparkling, the snow was soft, and the company was better than ever (look at Wally enjoying this hike). About the only glitch was an online lift ticket purchase gone wrong. It caused me to miss the first chair on Little Cloud and the subsequent two runs in uncut 18-inch powder. Benson and Wally, of course, being very sensitive to the feelings of others, were not inclined to make a big deal of it.


  1. Gorgeous scenery (no comment on the main subject of the photo).

    However, I'm getting a sunburn just staring at that photo!

    1. I'm in Tennessee this week, Jess, where the weather is cloudy and drizzly. My face has finally stopped peeling.
