Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wet, Not Dry

Earlier this year, I produced several posts about our mini-drought.  At The Homestead we received no rain from the middle of May to the middle of July (56 days).  In the three weeks since the dry spell ended, however, we have had rain nearly every day.  In fact, after a particularly thorough drenching last week, Valerie told me that southern Utah was beginning to feel like Costa Rica.

Well, so much for the anecdotes, today I have solid data.  Thanks to a Precipitation Analysis at the National Weather Service, I've got some numbers for you.  The normal May rainfall for the Parowan Valley is 1 inch; the May 2012 rainfall for the Parowan Valley was 1/10 inch.  The normal June rainfall for the Parowan Valley is 1/2 inch; the June 2012 rainfall for the Parowan Valley was 1/10 inch.  The normal July rainfall for the Parowan Valley is 1 and 1/2 inch; the July 2012 rainfall for the Parowan Valley was 3 inches (all of it coming after the 13th).

To summarize:  We should expect approximately 3 inches of rain to fall in the Parowan Valley during May, June, and July.  This year we got approximately 3 inches of rain in the Parowan Valley during May, June, and July . . . and all of it came in the last two weeks.

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