Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bored Campers

Camping can be boring.  I mean, after you've hacked down a bunch of trees, built a big fire, spent all your ammunition, carved your name in a few more trees, consumed all your beer, and dumped all your trash in the woods, what are you gonna do?  Well, I've got a couple of new ideas for you.  First, if you've got a pair of chainsaws, you can cut down a tree and play tic-tac-toe on the stump.  It can be hard to win, though.  Second, if you've got a ball of twine, you can make a comfortable chair.  Then you can sit in it and dream of cell coverage, television, and hip-hop music.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, the chair looks pretty industrious to me!
