Saturday, September 7, 2024

View From the Office

There is an 11,000 foot feature in central Utah that is visible from I-70 near Salina.  It is, somewhat unfortunately, called Mary's Nipple.  We weren't sure whether the county had a structure on the summit, so I went out there yesterday to see.  Round trip from Price I may have driven 250 miles, much of it on the gravel.  From where I parked on the south end of the Skyline, it was 1,500 vertical feet to the top.  I made it there and back in three hours.

I also found the structure:  A survey sighting tower.  I'm not sure how it works or whether it remains relevant to surveyors, but there it is.  I was back at the office by 5p.  Mission accomplished:  In about nine hours you can drive from Price, walk to the top of the Nipple, and return.

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