Friday, June 21, 2024

First Storm

The solstice was yesterday, so it is now officially summer.  Right on time we had our first big storm.  VSO and I were out walking in Second Water as the thunder rumbled.  It was drizzling pleasantly, but when we reached the confluence the rain started and it was time to turn around.  Fortunately, we reached the truck before the worst of the hail:  That would have been a pummeling.

The storm moved west from our location until it reached the foothills overlooking town.  There it dropped six tenths of an inch in less than an hour.  It had mostly subsided by the time we got back, but the streets were still flowing.  This poor young lady was just coming out to try moving her car.  I didn't think it would start given how high up the grill the water had flowed, but she was able drive it out of there.

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