Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Weekend for Sailors

VSO wanted to try yard sailing (saleing? saling?) over Labor Day weekend.  It is a good time for it because the county fair is in session and town is packed with people from Las Vegas.  She told me that serious yard sailors (salers?) could make $1,000 per weekend.  I told her that if one's goal is to be a serious yard sailor, maybe one should look for something else to do in life, like get a job.  Besides, I would pay $1,000 to have somebody drive up and remove all this crap from my yard.  If I have to put it back in the box and haul it to the storage shed, I will be very unhappy.  By Monday afternoon, we'll be stealing a line from Gillian Welch:  "Everything is free now."


  1. Ha, I wanted to buy a canoe years ago when we were pretty freshly married. Saw one at a garage sale but wasn't in the place to make snappy decisions, and when I finally decided to go forward with it, it was gone. -Jess

    1. VSO let the old Disco go for a couple hundred bucks. It should provide many years of service to the buyer: The thing is completely indestructible. It has also seemed to grow heavier with each passing year. We will probably replace it with something that weighs half as much.
