Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Moon Canyon

For today I picked Moon Canyon because it didn't have any roads and it sounded interesting.  In the event, I was wrong on both counts:  There was an old mining road, and the area wasn't very exciting.  It was mostly broken walls and cow poop.  When VSO asked me, "Why did they name it Moon Canyon?"  All I could say was, "I don't know, maybe it's because the walls are composed primarily of green cheese.


  1. Very cool pics and captions. Our hikes around the Arb involve paved roads and a total elevation change of maybe 80'. Your hikes look somewhat more 'involved.'

  2. "Involved" is a good word. We've taken advantage of some roads, too. But, there has also been a fair amount of snowy scrambling and a few moves that EDO calls "janky," which may be a teenage translation of the old climbing term "manky."
