Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Return to Palli

Last year when Rural Ways was at Arapahoe Basin, we found that the best skiing was at Pallavicini.  Benson struck a pose for me under the double snag to left of Main Street (above).  When we were there today, the ONLY place to ski was at Pallavicini, so we went back.  Benson didn't like it much the first time around, but I convinced him to return by promising that I would make him famous with the camera.  Here he is under the double snags earlier today (below).  Wish him Happy Birthday, he's a leap year baby.


  1. Glad to see that I'm not the only knuckle dragging goon that you will ski with. Sorry Benson, but that's what Drew called me last time I went skiing with him.

  2. You don't have to apologize to Benson. "Knuckle dragging goon" is on the nicer end of what he is usually called. Moreover, when skier Chris Wallace arrives for some laps next week, Benson's nicknames will surely become unprintable.
