Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools

This year the joke is on all of us who thought the long, cold winter of 2009/2010 was winding down. Nope. Another eight inches and counting this morning, with the thermometer settled at 22F. We've been ordering seeds, pruning the orchard, and looking for buds on the elm trees. It looks like we've jumped the gun; winter ain't over yet. Actually, according to my notes, we started burning during the first week of October. October! It is now April and the stove is going full blast. This is month seven. I don't think I've ever had to burn for seven months before. Especially foolish are those who thought this would be a good time for an arts festival.


  1. 90F in Baghdad today; what a long brutal winter indeed...

  2. You're pretty good....keeping notes on when you start burning wood. I think you are too organized for my liking. Glad my hubby didn't catch that part and nag me to be like Drew.

  3. Drew Dog and General, you both need to move to Canada -- it's been a nice winter here.

    And we're looking less and less socialist all the time... ;-)
    (sorry -- couldn't help it; thems my political reflexes talkin')

  4. Comrade! Is Big Daddy a Canuck now?

  5. Well, we aren't planning on making it official for four of us until we return in November, so not quite yet.

    (The youngest two were born Canucks, so they already live as citizens of, to borrow a theme from the Apostle Paul, the "now" (= socialism) and "not yet" (= not quite socialist but getting closer).

    Different (cooler) topic -- my college hiking buddies almost came out your way again this year, but I was adamant that it was a "water" year. So, we're flying into the General's old stomping grounds and following in Lewis and Clark's "footsteps" by canoeing in the upper Missouri wilderness, near the Marias River area. Man, that look's like it still might be God's country! Woo-hoo!
