Saturday, January 21, 2023

Wood Hill Tour

Well.  We moved to Price.  We sold The Homestead and moved to Price.  So, today, instead of Boy Scout, we drove up Wood Hill.  We wore the hiking boots because I've never seen enough snow there for a ski tour.  But, we threw the Karhus into the back of GC1 just in case.  In the event, it was a choice between post-holing and skiing.  The conditions were crusty and wind-blown, but once we set a track, it was pretty good.  (Any time on skis is good.)  The sunset was gorgeous and the temperatures were in the low 20s.  A pretty nice tour.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Shots are Open

We did go to Boy Scout today.  The conditions were very good.  EDO is in Logan, so I had to break trail, but it wasn't difficult:  The dense, heavy snowpack is so consolidated that I didn't have to wallow in it, but could simply push aside the top few inches.  VSO skied fast, and stayed with me to the top of Treadmill.  When she turned around, I climbed a few more switchbacks in the silence.  The clouds lowered and it began to dump again.  On the way back, I decided to drop into the burned tree shots between the switchbacks that I pioneered last year.  They! Are! Open!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Wet and Heavy

So far, we've had an unusual winter in central Utah.  Storm after storm has dumped snow and rain on the mountains with barely a sunny day anywhere.  Most of the watersheds in the state are approaching 200% of normal snowpack.  Instead of light Utah powder, though, this snow has been more like Sierra cement.  On the National Forest, some of our crews have been out clearing it from the roofs of the old guard stations:  We don't want them to collapse under all the weight.