The mature landscaping at 420 Grand requires a lot of trimming and pruning. For the past couple of years, I've had nowhere to put the debris. So, over time, I created The Pile in the driveway beside the walnut tree. My plan was to eventually rent a chipper and chip it all. Unfortunately, if you've ever created a pile, you know that chipping it is the easy part; getting it out of the pile is the hard part. In this case, it was no longer a collection of individual sticks, but was a unified blob: The Pile.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Early Bloomers
The daffodils and hyacinths are always the first to show themselves. The bloom is underway at 420 Grand.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Crossing the Equinox
Since November 2018, I've made 59 crossings—including this one. It was the the first day of spring, and I found this scene to be pretty irritating. I had checked the weather before I left: There was a chance of rain in Utah and plenty of sun in California. I guess Nevada didn't have to obey either of them. The bottom picture is from the summit above the City of Austin. I'm not sure why the cops were out, but I was definitely stuck behind a pokie driver. Fortunately, they pulled over and the skies cleared well before Fallon.
Monday, March 15, 2021
The Big Hole
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Gang Run-Ride
Today the Lannoms joined us for the run-ride. It was a gang. We had four riders and two runners: Keith ran with EDO, while Karen and Bryce rode with VSO and me. And the runners won.
Towards the end, there is a steep narrow section through a small canyon and up a rocky hill. The riders carried and pushed the bikes, but the runners broke away. Or, to paraphrase Keith's shirt, they ran wild.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Bald and Beautiful
I like to go out to Bald Mountain at least once during the winter. In 2019, I went with Tony and we slopped through the mud. Last year, I rode the bike and the trails were dusty. This time, I met Tony again and we had perfect conditions: Bright sun, low 50Fs, and a smooth, firm trail. After the hike, we bumped into Stan at the trailhead. The Bald Mountain Trails are Stan's brain-child. We thanked him for a beautiful afternoon.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Round the Flat
I've been out in the high desert on the Nevada side of the border. It is a nice time of year for exploring that country: Not too cold; not too hot. I especially like walking on the playas. They are currently dry, and flat as a sidewalk. Unfortunately, sometimes there is trash on them. On this one, I found a marble.