The ten day forecast is for hot and dry, with temperatures in the 90s and 100s. We've had little to no rain since May 20th. This is what Robinson Reservoir looks like right now. This week, the city cut our outdoor irrigation schedule from two days per week to one day. While the aspen forests remain beautiful, what I have noticed is that the fall colors during a drought tend towards brown and away from golden.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Late Summer
It was a gorgeous late summer day at the Twisted Forest. We walked to the rim, and then up to the little peak to the east. We came down through the wooded ridge above the trailhead. It is covered with old Douglas fir and five-needle pines. It has been a couple of years since we've done that loop, but it is a good one.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Fire on the Whole
In the past few days, friends and family have checked in at a higher rate than usual. Along with wanting to know that I am safe (which I am), they want to know "what is going on?" Well. From what I can see, it isn't hard-right (or hard-left) politics, sabotage, al-anon, arson, militia activity, antifodder, or any other conspiracy. (Though it seems like everything in the world has to be about one of them these days.) It isn't even good management, bad management, or no management. From what I can tell, the whole story has three components: No rain for 120 days, high winds, and dry lighting.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Hawk Heaven
I was out in the Parowan Valley when I noticed this pair of hawks guarding the entrance to an alfalfa field. They didn't fly away when I drove up, so I stopped to see what they were doing. Taking a shower? We've not had a wetting rain in more than 100 days, so I guess it makes sense to sit in the sprinklers.