Sunday, April 28, 2019

Disc Golf

I spent most of the day catching up with the weeds on The Farm.  EDO helped me for a while, and then we had time for a round of disc golf in the canyon.  The creek was flooding, so we had to drive around by the power line (and skip the first hole).  But, we were able to play a quick eight holes before dinner.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Riding Ranch Park

On Thursday we went over to Susanville Ranch Park to ride Rocky Top.  After a long grind to The Landing (above), we rode Easy-Up.  At the top, EDO rang the bell.  We cruised down the Best Trail Ever.  It was really good, but there may be a few other good ones out there.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Eagle Lake Trout

They told us that the trout would be running up the fish ladder at Eagle Lake this week.  So we went out there.  We stopped at Rocky Point for a two mile hike and then went over to Pine Creek.  The creek, more like a river right now, was flowing forcefully.  Where the water was coming over the dam itself, the current was probably too powerful for the jumping fish.  It was a beautiful thing to see though.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Beside the Pale

I’ve been adding new pales to the old fence on the west side of 420 Grand.  Today I had someone to hold steady while I went to grab the screw driver.  We made good progress.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

EATO Reunion

Along with running this newspaper, we also make a little indie/alt music on the side.  Under the name Ellen and the Outlaws, we play Americana beside the woodstove and sometimes put the results on vinyl.  For this past weekend, we split the distance and met in Eureka, Nevada for a short reunion.  I made a couple of pictures of a fireside session:  Ellen playing with one of the Outlaws.

Monday, April 8, 2019

There is Always Something to See

I went for a short walk in the foothills yesterday.  I found this oak tree covered in bright orange lichen.  There is always something to see out there.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Second Bedroom

The girls are planning to visit 420 Grand so I needed to renovate a second bedroom.  The problem with this one was that both the laminate floor and a new subfloor were installed (by the previous owner) without removing the mouldings.  I easily pulled up the laminate, but the subfloor was particleboard that had been stapled down with a nail gun.  So, instead of trying to muscle it out of there, I bought a Dremel tool and used the saw attachment to cut the moulding off flush with the subfloor.  With that done, I could re-lay the laminate against the wall.  I also painted the walls and cleaned the windows.  It is beginning to look habitable.