Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Importance of Being Cloudy

Earlier in the week, when we had some passing storms (above), I scolded VSO for not taking advantage of the clouds.  Yesterday, when she said she was planning to make a painting, I looked at the clear blue sky and said, "Not now.  Wait for the clouds."  She waited, and they came (below).

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Spring Thunderstorms

We went up the Dry Lakes Road because I thought it would be too hot for any hiking in the valley.  At the top, we noticed a rounded hill without trees on it that we thought would provide a good view.  It was steep, but we scrambled to the top.  Just in time to be hit by a thunderstorm.  I didn't like being out in the open, above 10,000 feet, on a hilltop, so we slithered down along the tree-line.  Fortunately, it wasn't hot.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

May Flowers

At this time of year there are usually wildflowers blooming in the foothills.  This year has, however, been exceptionally dry, and suddenly hot.  The blooming season is over, if it ever began.  I got one picture of a post-fire surge of chokecherry and another of a flowering claret cup.  That was about it.